塑料拉力机维护与保养 |
添加时间:2019/5/6 14:28:41 浏览次数: |
8.1试验过程中,应注意移动横梁的位置,请保证最佳的试验空间; 8.1 During the test, attention should be paid to the position of the moving beam, so as to ensure the best test space. 8.2丝杠和倒向柱每月应加油润滑,经常检查润滑状况; 8.2 The screw and the backward column should be lubricated monthly, and the lubrication condition should be checked regularly. 8.3请注意保持检测设备的清洁,试验结束后应把现场清理干净; 8.3 Please keep the testing equipment clean and clean up the site after the test. 8.4设备运行过程中出现异常现象,立即按下急停(蘑菇头)按钮; 8.4 When abnormal phenomena occur during the operation of the equipment, press the emergency gaopin.37ix.com.cnfangfumu.37ix.com.cn bianyaqifj.37ix.com.cnpvcsuomo.37ix.com.cnshuiniji.37ix.com.cn caiguang.37ix.com.cnstop (mushroom head) button immediately. 8.5减速机工作3800小时后应更换润滑油,润滑油牌号为G-N320。 Lubricating oil should be replaced after 8.5 reducer works for 3800 hours. The grade of lubricating oil is G-N320. |
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