橡胶拉力机 |
添加时间:2018/3/30 14:55:39 浏览次数: |
橡胶拉力机FR-103C伺服拉力试验机采用机电一体化设计 ,主要由测力传感器、变送器、微处 The mechanical and electrical integration design of the FR-103C servo tension test machine for rubber pulling machine is mainly composed of force sensor, transmitter, micro place 理器、负荷驱动机构、计算机及彩色喷墨打印机构成。高精度电子调速电动机可设置五文件试验速度。各集成构件间均采用插接方式联接 。落地式机型 ,造型涂装均充分考虑了现代工业设计,人体工程学之相关原理。 It is composed of a machine, a load driving mechanism, a computer and a color inkjet printer. High precision electronic speed control motor can set the speed of five file test. The integrated components are connected by inserting mode. The floor type and modeling painting fully consider the modern industrial design and the principles of human engineering. |
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