塑料拉力机 |
添加时间:2018/12/28 14:47:56 浏览次数: |
塑胶塑料行业用F拉力机,拉力试验机,万能材料试验机测试些什么项目?由上海发瑞仪器为您解答,首先要选一款合适的拉力机,拉力试验机,万能材料试验机。一般工程塑料塑胶可以选择一吨左右的拉力机,力量大的也可以选FR-103电脑伺服2吨的拉力机,拉力试验机,万能材料试验机,10KN拉力机价格,20KN拉力试验机价格都差不多,因为机台都一样的机台。还有条件好一点的可以选用带大变形装置,(两点延伸)专用于测伸长率(延伸率)。再就要选一付拉伸夹具,我公司一般都配楔形夹具 ,做弯曲则要三点抗弯夹具。速度要求也很高,压缩用5MM/min,采用电脑伺服控制系统,可以满足0-500MM/min的速度。 What items are tested by F tension machine, tension testing machine and universal material testing machine in plastic industry? Shanghai Farui Instrument will give you an answer. First of all, we need to choose a suitable tension machine, tension testing machine and universal material testing machine. General engineering plastics can choose about one ton of tension machine, or FR-103 computer servo 2 tons of tension machine, tension testing machine, universal material testing machine, 10KN tension machine price, 20KN tension testing machine price is similar, because the machine is the same machine. There are also better conditions for the selection of large deformation device, (two point extension) dedicated to measuring elongation (elongation). Next, we need to choose a pair of stretching fixtures. Our company usually equips wedge-shaped fixtures, and three-point bending fixtures are needed for bending. The speed requirement is also very high. Compression with 5MM/min and computer servo control system can meet the speed of 0-500MM/min. |
上一页 钢丝绳抗拉强度试验机性能特点 |
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