拉力试验机可以如此分类 |
添加时间:2018/6/4 16:57:15 浏览次数: |
拉力试验机可以如此分类 The tension test machine can be so classified 一、按照自动化程度高低可分为 One, according to the degree of automation can be divided into 1.指针式拉力试验机:这种传统型的拉力试验机由于测试精度低,性价比低, 已经基本上被数显式拉力试验机淘汰。但是在小力量范围内,就是我们常见的拉力计,常被工厂用于小制品的简单力量测试,因其价格低廉,还是颇受欢迎。 1. pointer tension test machine: this traditional tension test machine has low test precision and low cost performance, and has been basically eliminated by the digital tension test machine. But in the small power range, it is our common pull meter, which is often used by factories to test the simple strength of small products. It is still very popular because of its low price. 2.数显式拉力试验机也称为微电脑型拉力试验机:测试数据直接显示在液晶屏上,测试项目比较固定,常用于工厂的质量控制。 The 2. digital display type tension test machine is also called the microcomputer type tension test machine: the test data is directly displayed on the LCD screen, the test items are relatively fixed, and are commonly used in the quality control of the factory. 3.电脑系统拉力试验机:是最通用的拉力试验机,由于测试数据通过电脑采集,再经过软件程序的计算处理得出用户想要的最终数据,而且可以通过报表的方式打印出来。常用于科研单位、检测机构、新产品开发等。 3. computer system pull test machine: it is the most common pull test machine, because the test data is collected through the computer, then the software program is calculated and processed to get the final data that the user wants, and can be printed out through the form of the report. It is often used in research institutes, testing organizations, and new product development. 二、按照控制系统可分为 Two. According to the control system, it can be divided into 1.变频系统拉力试验机:采用变频马达控制系统,拉伸、压缩速度通过变频调速器控制。 1. variable frequency system tensile testing machine: frequency conversion motor control system, stretching and compression speed controlled by frequency converter. 2.伺服系统拉力试验机:采用伺服马达控制系统,拉伸、压缩速度及位移控制更准确。伺服马达系统为伺服控制系统,采用智能反馈型运算,可以定速测试、循环测试、编程测试等。 2. servo system tensile testing machine: servo motor control system, drawing, compression speed and displacement control is more accurate. The servo motor system is a servo control system. It adopts intelligent feedback operation, and can be fixed speed test, cycle test, programming test and so on. 3.其他驱动方式拉力试验机:通过直流马达控制,该驱动方式的拉力试验机由于性价比低,现已逐步被淘汰。 3. other driving mode tensile testing machine: through the DC motor control, the driving mode of the tensile testing machine because of low cost performance, has been phased out. 三、按照行业及功能特点可分为 1.金属拉力试验机:金属材料拉伸强度大,延伸率小,需要配置金属标点引伸计。 Three, according to the industry and functional characteristics can be divided into 1. metal tensile testing machine: metal material tensile strength is large, elongation rate is small, need to configure metal punctuation extensometer. 2.橡胶拉力试验机:橡胶或弹性体延伸率比较大,需附带大标点伸长装置,同时夹具设计要考虑适合橡胶的特性、不能打滑。可增配O型圈夹具、轮胎行业装用夹具等。 2. rubber tension test machine: the elongation of rubber or elastomer is large, with large punctuation extension device, and the fixture design should consider the characteristics of rubber and not skid. It can also be equipped with O ring clamp, tire industry fixture and so on. 3.塑料拉力试验机:塑料的拉伸强度比橡胶大,延伸率有大有小,且常常要测试三点抗弯试验。 3. plastic tensile testing machine: the tensile strength of plastic is larger than that of rubber, elongation is large and small, and three point bending tests are often tested. 4.纺织拉力试验机:纺织行业需要测试织物面料剥离、穿刺、撕裂,单纱拉伸等测试,夹具及软件比较特殊。 4. textile tensile testing machine: the textile industry needs to test the fabric fabric peeling, puncture, tear, single yarn stretch test, fixture and software are special. 5.纸张拉力试验机:纸张需要测试拉伸强度、环压强度、竖压、平压、边压、剥离强度等,夹具较多。 5. paper tensile testing machine: paper needs to test tensile strength, ring crush strength, vertical pressure, flat pressure, side pressure, peel strength, and so on. 6.皮革拉力试验机:皮革需要测试拉伸强度、撕裂强度等,测试项目比较简单。 6. leather tensile testing machine: Leather needs to be tested for tensile strength and tear strength. The test items are relatively simple. |
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